# You're on the safe side with us
Elevators are work equipment. And elevator operators are employers. The German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), which was revised in 2015, is strongly oriented towards the law on occupational health and safety.
For you, this means that regardless of whether your elevator is used commercially or privately, you are always responsible for complying with all safety regulations. And these regulations are quite demanding. Elevators that were approved as safe by elevator inspectors 20 years ago are often no longer permitted according to the current state of elevator technology.
This is a danger that should not be underestimated. Because you, as the operator of the elevator, are liable if the worst comes to the worst. Just imagine an accident involving your elevator. Someone’s back is injured so badly that they can no longer work as a carpenter. The cause of the accident: there were safety deficiencies. Your elevator was no longer state of the art.
This makes it all the more surprising that many elevator operators are not yet aware of their legal obligation to carry out regular risk assessments, also known as safety assessments in the private sector.
We take care of this risk assessment and its documentation for you. Our elevator technicians carefully check by hand whether the components of your elevator still comply with the applicable safety regulations. If this is not the case, we will provide you with a compact documentation of the challenge and a proposal on how we can solve it for you quickly and cost-effectively. Of course, we will also help you to coordinate regular inspections by an approved inspection body (e.g. TÜV or DEKRA).
By the way: We know how important your elevator is for your company. Our elevator technicians will ensure that your elevator operation is hardly affected during the inspection.

We got to know Herz Elevators in October 2020 because the usual elevator companies made us feel like a Christmas goose and we were looking for a transparent and, above all, fairly priced partner. We found one with heart and soul and have been completely delighted ever since. I am happy to recommend the very friendly and competent team! I look forward to working with them again.
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